Sunday, December 14, 2008

5 Divorce Dirty Tactics You Need to Know About.....

Unfortunately, many divorces turn ugly and it is usually due to one partner resorting to dirty divorce tactics. The spouse who decides to implement these tactics feels desperate and out of control and will do anything to hurt his or her spouse. You need to be aware of these dirty divorce tactics so that you can protect yourself during your divorce. Warning: If you are someone who thinks that using any of these tactics will help you in your divorce, think again. These tactics always backfire. The courts are well aware of them and if you use any of these against your spouse, you will be the one who pays for it in the end.

Here they are:

1. Filing a phony restraining order. This is also know as an order of protection. Your ex decides that he wants you out of the house so he makes up false allegations of abuse. This is also done to get custody of the children.

2. Fling for sole custody of the children. A spouse who files for custody when he or she knows that the other parent has been the primary caregiver and the children are being well care for does this for several reasons. It is the ultimate way to hurt the other spouse and extract revenge. It is also done as a ploy to avoid paying child support.

3. Claiming to be disabled. This tactic is used to reduce alimony and child support payments. A spouse will suddenly come down with a disability and claim he or she can no longer earn the amount of money they have been earning throughout the marriage.

4. Selling and hiding assets. Hiding money in bank accounts that are out of state or in another country or selling assets to friends or family members for a fraction of their value on paper and then pocketing the cash are some examples of devious divorce tactics a divorcing person may use.

5. Refusing to mediate or settle the divorce. A person who does this wants their spouse to suffer and does not care how much money is spent in attorney fees. They are so hurt and full of rage that by prolonging the divorce, they feel they have some sort of control.

Click here to read a free chapter of Seven Secrets to a Successful Divorce...


Andrew Thompson said...

Dear Christina,

I think your post describes what quite often the opposite of what actually happens in divorce.

1. 87% of all protective orders are filed by women. Nearly 99% of all charges of abuse that are never proven are made by women. Many times men make claims that are true, but that fall on deaf ears in the courts.

2. Regarding items 3 and 4, once you leave your spouse, morally and ethically, you are no longer entitled to anything he earns or has. His responsibility is to support the children, not to support you. Many women presume they are entitled to a lifetime of support because they once got pregnant with a man. But they do not assume any responsibility for making sure their child has a full relationship with the father that gave them life. This is very harmful to children.

Disability and other circumstances do change, often dramatically, and especially after divorce. You are not entitled to what he could earn when you were married, it's not yours, and if he cannot - or will not pay support - you fight a vindictive battle that no one can win.

Andrew Thompson said...

To be fair too, I read through the rest of your blog. I agree with most of what you say elsewhere and think it's very helpful - :)

SM said...


What, if any, are the solutions to point no. 5?

I am at a stage, having walked out of an abusive(emotional and physical) marriage of 7.5 years abiut 2 months back and the husband is refusing to even consider mutual consent divorce.