Thursday, July 17, 2008

Can't Afford to Get a Divorce?...
Many unhappy married couples, facing a declining real estate market and rising gas and food costs, cannot afford to get a divorce. The price of running two households is just too expensive.
This could be a good thing. Some couples, who in the heat of the moment, may normally choose to run to a divorce lawyer, may decide to work on their marriage and see if there is any possible way to save it. On the other hand, couples who are miserable and should separate are being forced to live under one roof. This cannot be healthy for them emotionally.
Divorce is still very expensive and there has not been a decrease in divorce attorney fees, ranging anywhere from $250 to $500 per hour. But since many divorce lawyers count on getting paid when a couple sells their home, the housing market conditions can be a potential problem for them as well.
Couples who cannot afford to divorce, yet must live together to survive financially, are in a tough position. They may have to wait until the real estate market begins recovering until they can afford a separate home for each of them. Being in such a unique situation, where you must live with someone you do not get along with, can be explosive. Couples in this situation must come up with ways to get along, especially if they have children. Living as roommates instead of as a married couple can work if both parties come up with a plan. They need to maintain peace and order in their household and wait until conditions improve enough for them to separate.
Hopefully we will not see a rise in domestic violence as a result of these economic conditions. If a couple has a volatile relationship, then one of them may have to stay with relatives or friends until they can figure out what to do financially.


Anonymous said...

Living under the same roof while divorcing is an emotional hell that no one should have to endure. I am in that situation right now and teens and I just want out, but he has us financially locked (mortgage) and won't communicate with his attorney. He is in denial while we are in limbo. There seems to be no end in sight.

Anonymous said...

I am in the same situation and it is very volitile! No one should be forced to live this way especially with children involved. He also has us financially locked and refuses to pay for daycare full time for me to work full time. This puts him in complete control of everything financially and leave me with nothing. Domestic violence will rise if people are forced to live too long under the same roof with these conditions.