Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I interviewed Rosalind Sedacca, author of How do I tell the Kids About the Divorce? and asked her what is the most effective way to break the divorce news to kids. Watch the video for her answer.


rick snyder said...

Thank you for such sound advice, Rosalind. What you're describing can be the most painful moment in one's lifetime but i think that your prescription makes such a intense revelation a little easier to explain to the kids.

Thank you for thinking of the children at a time like this.

West Palm Beach, fl

Anonymous said...

I am a therapist and I think Rosalind's advice to separating/divorcing parents is priceless. The discussion of this most difficult topic should be thought out and prepared so that children are given appropriate messages in a loving and supportive environment. Rosalind's book sounds like an essential tool for parents who want to lessen the trauma this experience will have on their kids.